Morgan Contracting Inc myWebSuite CMS

Morgan Contracting Inc myWebSuite CMS

Dan Morgan, Morgan Contracting, Salem CT has been a client for years. He gave me a call one afternoon and asked about a redesign of his site, so we discussed Responsive Design, which would simplifiy the design elements and get his site mobile ready. 

Dan Morgan, Morgan Contracting, Salem CT has been a client for years. He gave me a call one afternoon and asked about a redesign of his site, so we discussed Responsive Design, which would simplifiy the design elements and get his site mobile ready. 

We had done a number of mobile ready sites at that point, and he liked the idea after he had seen some examples. 

The new web site turned out very nicely and Dan was pleased. The image galleries were refined, the page layouts tightened up, and the entire site was operating better as well after I had tweaked some things to make improvements. 

Dan's site is now accessible to users on all devices, and he can enjoy the new layout and design for years to come.  

Stephen Mareches
Sophia Solutions Atlanta GA

Last updated