�Search Engine Optimization Case Study for California Bail Bond Company
California Bail Bond web site
A case study in search engine optimization and deployment of intelligent banner ad management.
The new SS Mehr Bail Bonds california website employs extensive web development and
search engine optimization.
When Steven Mehr California bail bondsman contacted us about developing a new look for their
nationwide bail bonds web site, we determined that this project would be great for intensive search engine optimization.
Their site has been online since 1997, so it would have the advantage of those years online, but the existing
site was a pretty simple three pager.
The main idea for developing search engine optimization for the site was providing content
for each state in the US with information about bail bonds in those states.
This content is the meat of the search engine optimization project, as it would provide
information to site visitors about bail bonds in their state, for each state throughout the
Additionally we utilized the search engine optimization techniques that we've developed
since early 2000 to assist the site in search engine rankings.
While many developers think they have the latest trick in search engine optimization, we've
always thought treating search engine spiders with a little respect and providing them with
good content are the real keys to search engine optimization.
Database-Driven Banner Ad System
With the rather heavy competition of bail bonds nationwide web sites, we also determined
that a nice intelligent banner ad system would be appropriate to serve up informational graphics that
provide users with information about the services Mehr Bail Bonds offers.
Users Quickly Find Their State Bail Bond Information
By providing a page for each of the 50 US States with simple hyperlinks on the home page,
users may quickly find their state and the bail bond information they need.