, our first publication to use WordPress CMS. This project needed to be mobile ready, and adaptable to any color schemes without design fees., our first publication to use WordPress CMS. This project needed to be mobile ready, and adaptable to any color schemes without design fees.
As part of the proof of concept phase with SNN the Metro Atlanta publishers think tank, we wanted to be able to offer publishers an easy to use CMS that was mobile ready and could be given any color scheme for the navigation elements by simply updating some of the site's CMS.
WordPress worked very nicely to power the application, and we then added another layer of security for the app with WordPlate, a toolkit built especially for WordPress CMS that enhances security.
We achieved mobile ready features utliizing the Twitter Bootstrap responsive design framework.
Copy content was delivered using Google News feeds.
The SNN team loved the solution, and we knew we were prepared with a very good proof of concept that would appeal to publishers, especially for small to medium sized teams.
Stephen Mareches
Sophia Solutions Atlanta GA
Posted 6/15/2014